Sunday, May 13, 2007

Life Decision

The last few months have been those of discovery and bravery for me. I just got married to a wonderful man, in a very beautiful wedding celebration, and now we are living the American dream in Charleston as home owners and housekeepers. I've never written in a journal or diary, but I have so many thoughts running through me lately that I need to express them. In the last couple months I have been growing increasingly anxious about my ambitions. I finally feel brave enough to venture out on my own and seize what's mine of the event planning market. In the next few months I will be developing my own business, Social Event Design, and hope to document the latest successes and mishaps of a day in the life of me. Some posts will be boring and pointless, but I hope others will capture what it's like for a woman in this day and age to begin selling herself and services for the betterment of mankind, and no, not prostitution, but Sarah Bradley, Event Planner - at your service. I hope to inspire, or at least spark curiosity.

I will be blogging about industry trends and events, as well as the process of building this entity from the ground up. Stay tuned.