Thursday, September 6, 2007


I'm on the Event Committee for Charleston Young Professionals and I feel I have a duty to promote them and their mission;"To engage, cultivate and empower young professionals by facilitating: access to local industries and government, constructive networking, and professional development." It's nice to network with peeps around the same age, how awkward is it when you're in a room with old execs who like to talk about tee times and double bogies? Well, it is, let me tell you.
CYP is having their second anniversary celebration at Magnolia Plantation on Thursday, September 20, from 6pm-8pm. Last year they had their kick off party at the Gibbes, and through the pouring rain people partied, they were hard core! Mark your calendars and plan to attend, membership is only $45 per year and it's a great way to get involved in the business community and make use of all their available resources. Expense it and if your boss asks you what's in it for the company, tell 'em CYPs are the future, oh and SHOVE IT!

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