Saturday, July 14, 2007

Event I'd Like to attend O' the week: Potter-mania

above, orbs containing prophecies over an elaborate dessert display

above, a replica of the enchanted ceiling at Hogwarts Great Hall

I saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last night at the IMAX theather, and boy-wizard was it worth it! Harry and Cho finally kissed and he was looking... pretty hot for a half-blood prince! The last 20 minutes or so were in 3D and the only slight disappointment was that we sat on the side and probably lacked the full effect. For the movie's Hollywood premier and after party, Warner Bros. and Wendy Creed Productions threw a "Riddikulus" event... in a good way.

above, the Courtyard at the Jim Henson Lot in LA
above, actual moving portraits just like at Hogwarts
photos by BizBash

1 comment:

Jesse said...

Good thing Jamez didn't see this during our wedding planning. I think the theme would have turned out to be something else entirely...